So it has almost been a month since I wrote a post on here, I had so much going on in the month of July that it has kept me so busy. We had family stay for a few weeks, had birthdays, and we welcomed our new bundle of joy into our lives! I will have more details on that in another post but my son is finally here! :) I honestly couldn't be any happier right now.
Even though I am a busy mommy and wife, I still want to try and keep up with my blog posts and of course I stay on top of my YouTube Channel! Or at least I try to! I am a great multi-tasker by the way. ;)
The point of this blog is to quickly catch you up on the recent vids I have on my channel so if you haven't watched them yet and want to kill some time, I have you covered!

I was one of the girls chosen to partner up with e.l.f cosmetics. They send us items to do reviews and host giveaways! I am super thankful that I won and it has definitely been a great experience! To celebrate their 10th year birthday, E.l.f Cosmetics sent me a set of their Studio Luxe Brush Collection to test out and do a review on.
Of course like many e.l.f products (I'm kind of addicted to e.l.f cosmetics) they ended up being a hit in my book! I absolutely loved the brushes and if you want to find out more details about this set then you can watch it here!
I posted these next two videos a little late in July, but hey! Atleast they went up right!?
I got my two monthly subscriptions like I normally get them but this month I did notice they came a bit later than usual which was perfectly ok with me since I wasn't able to film an unboxing right away. I got some pretty summer friendly products in both subscriptions and had to share! If you want to see that video watch it here! I even let you in on which subscription I favorited this month too! :)
The last video I wanted to share is my July Favorites! I love filming these videos because I like to share my favorites of my most used items in that month. It also gives you guys ideas of products to try if you are interested! I didn't have many favorites this month since I didn't really get the chance to use many new make up products since I was so busy with my personal life but I still have products that I used a lot of. I also have a little special appearance at the end of the video. So if you want to watch that then Click HERE! :)
Well that pretty much sums up what I have to say in this post! If you haven't watched this videos yet, than I hope you enjoy them!
Later gorrgggiess! <3
Youtube Channel
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